Case study
Steam elements made to measure
At a Dutch producer of instant coffee, a hot air flow of coffee grounds is used to dry the coffee grounds, the customer wanted a quick replacement of the existing steam-powered heat exchanger that was used in this process, and production had to stand still as little as possible.
A Dutch producer of instant coffee uses a hot air stream to dry the coffee grounds.
A quick replacement of the existing steam-charged heating batteries is required.
Minimise production downtime
KiwiHesta started measuring on the spot and has within 3 weeks a number of custom made steam powered heating elements.
Including stainless steel frame
Also the bolt holes and connection pipes in exactly the right size so that they could be changed quickly.
Delivered: SRAS 660-2-1275 Stainless steel 316 steam powered elements with aluminium heavy duty vanes
Flanges and stainless steel 316 frame